Friday, April 23, 2010

School is affecting my weekend me time.

With having classe's online it takes up my free time on the weekend's. Im usally completeing assignments for class on the weekend's and there's not enough time for relaxation. The upside though is that Im getting a great education from Kaplan University.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Based upon your reading on plagiarism, why do you think we need to cite our sources?

Plagiarism is a very easy thing to do when your doing a paper and using many sources. It's very important to cite all of your sources in the paper so that you give credit were it is due. When you forget to cite a source that you have used you are plagiarising, and may not even know that you are. So you must take time and energy to be sure and site each source in your paper.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Takeing classe's on line is fun.

I take classe's on line and it's fun to meet new people in my class. I enjoy learning new things from my classe's. The classe's are fun and I really learn a lot of great stuff from them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Welcome everyone to my blog.

Im fourty years old and have four children. The oldest child is fourteen and she's in highschool. I have a ten year old son and two more girls that are six and two. They keep me on the run and very busy.